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Archive for the ‘Joy Ang’ tag

Illustrations by Joy Ang

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joy angJoy Ang was born November 1985 and went to Alberta College of Art & Design. She is currently working in Calgary, AB, Canada. She flaunts clients such as Marvel, Capcom, Nokia, BioWare, Udon Comics…

Words from Joy Ang: “My passion has been art for as long as I can remember. With my art I strive for one main goal, and that is to stir the emotions from those who view it.Read More…

Joy Ang - Spring
Illustration by Joy Ang
Name: Spring

Joy Ang - Zodiac
Illustration by Joy Ang
Name: Chinese Zodiac

Joy Ang - Little Red Cap
Illustration by Joy Ang
Name: Little Red Cap

Joy Ang - Terrorsel
Illustrations by Joy Ang
Name: Terrorsel

Joy Ang - Chunli Profile
Illustration by Joy Ang
Name: Chun-li Profile

Joy Ang - Tara
Illustration by Joy Ang
Name: Tara

Written by Sascha Ehrentraut

May 6th, 2008 at 8:28 am

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