I love the way he exaggerate proportions and emphasise volume and movement. The 1900 to 1950′s figures crowd the frame and overlap each other in angular or swirling composition. He says he is often called on to depict scenes of sexual tension or implied violence. To which he added that it did not matter if the subject is serious or pure kitsch, his work is always about human interaction and isolation. I hope you enjoy his work. :)
- Aron Wiesenfeld – A Perfect Day
- Aron Wiesenfeld – Delegates Daughter
- Aron Wiesenfeld – Flowerbed
- Aron Wiesenfeld – June
- Aron Wiesenfeld – Landfall
- Aron Wiesenfeld – Northwest
- Aron Wiesenfeld – Raincoat
- Aron Wiesenfeld – Ruth
- Aron Wiesenfeld – Spaceship
- Aron Wiesenfeld – The Lesson
- Aron Wiesenfeld – Train Tunnel
- Aron Wiesenfeld – Victor
Born and raised in Seattle/Washington, Stacey tells stories of an early culture, where she explores the relationship between nature and animals. Her brightly coloured and ethnically textured characters give the viewer a sense of nostalgia, seem slightly frightening hidden behind their masks and at the same time appear familiar and inviting. Stacey draws inspiration from cultures all around the world. I love how she portrays her findings in such a fresh and beautiful manner. Have a look at her blog for more folk art.
- Stacey Rozich-Berlin Rabbit
- Stacey Rozich-Dolce Vita 2
- Stacey Rozich-Dolce Vita 3
- Stacey Rozich-Dolce Vita 5
- Stacey Rozich-Dolce Vita 6
- Stacey Rozich-New York Before Ritual
- Stacey Rozich-New York Gem Mine
- Stacey Rozich-New York Snake Dance
- Stacey Rozich-Punc Trio
- Stacey Rozich-Punc Wildboar
- Stacey Rozich-Small Series 3
- Stacey Rozich-Small Series 5
Working from his design studio “Sleeping House” in Sweden, Alexander Jansson creates mysteriously beautiful worlds where intricately drawn music vans fly through the air, cute characters play music and lively cities appear from the dark heavy mist. Although the artworks seem gloomy they evoke not feelings of darkness but rather feelings of life, light and music.
- Alexander Jansson-Chuck and Bosco
- Alexander Jansson-Flying Car
- Alexander Jansson-Her Only Friend The Moon
- Alexander Jansson-La Voiture de Bruit
- Alexander Jansson-Lake of Fools
- Alexander Jansson-Ramone Bosco
- Alexander Jansson-Selma
- Alexander Jansson-Sorychta Sisters
- Alexander Jansson-Teeth and Tooth
- Alexander Jansson-The Bearded Baumann Brothers
- Alexander Jansson-The Forest Panorama
- Alexander Jansson-The Sad Story
- Alexander Jansson-The Sleeping House
- Alexander Jansson-The Umbrellhats
- Alexander Jansson-Weatherworn
- Alexander Jansson-Well
Istvan is a very successful commercial illustrator and animator who gained prominence in the mid-1980s in the USA.
Its odd but I find his illustration unusually easy to visualize - flavor and setting. He seems to have a real knack for isolating the subject matter through clever use of colors and layout. Politics, social absurdities, american pop culture, war and sexuality are all things he infuses in his art. Enjoy!
Mateusz has a playful feel to his illustrations but maintains an edge on his work through the subject matter. I like both the bright colors and the softer color sets which where used for the Coco Rosie pieces. I’m particularly fond of Tokyo Rain and Yakuza – almost ended up buying one of these pieces!
I hope you enjoy his illustrations as much as I have!
- Mateusz Kolek – Pink Denuergi
- Mateusz Kolek -Toy Eater
- Mateusz Kolek – Jelly Demon
- Mateusz Kolek – Tokyo Rain
- Mateusz Kolek – Coco Rosie
- Mateusz Kolek – Brainstorm
- Mateusz Kolek – Carpet
- Mateusz Kolek – Coco Rosie
- Mateusz Kolek – Yakuza