The New York Times Magazine illustrates 2007′s interesting and amazing developments.
Joy Ang was born November 1985 and went to Alberta College of Art & Design. She is currently working in Calgary, AB, Canada. She flaunts clients such as Marvel, Capcom, Nokia, BioWare, Udon Comics…
Words from Joy Ang: “My passion has been art for as long as I can remember. With my art I strive for one main goal, and that is to stir the emotions from those who view it.“ Read More…
Illustration by Joy Ang
Name: Spring
Illustration by Joy Ang
Name: Chinese Zodiac
Illustration by Joy Ang
Name: Little Red Cap
Illustrations by Joy Ang
Name: Terrorsel
Souther Salazar’s work first began to circulate about 10 – 12 years back. He graduated from Art Center College of Design in Pasadena in Canada.
I enjoy the lightness. Its a happy break from seeing a lot of macabre and/or intense works which seem to dominate the scene. Souther Salazar exhibits his collages, paintings, drawings and sculptures in dense and frenzied installations. He uses mixed medias which allows viewers to interact with his work. His work has appeared in galleries all over the world from New York, Portland to Tokyo.
Illustration by Souther Salazar
Name: Rockets Redglare
Illustration by Souther Salazar
Name: Manatees
Illustration by Souther Salazar
Name: I Built My Dreams Around You
Illustration by Souther Salazar
Name: It Was The Greatest Story Ever Told
Illustration by Souther Salazar
Name: Of Times Long Gone
Illustration by Souther Salazar
Name: Wood For Each Year
Illustration by Souther Salazar
Name: Lightbulb Balloon
Stephen Wiltshire was born in London on 24th April, 1974. He is known as “the human camera“.
As a child, Stephen was mute and did not relate to other people. When he was around 3 years old he was diagnosed as autistic. He had no language ability, tantrums and lived entirely in his own world.
At the tender age of five he was sent to a school for children with special needs. Here he began to illustrate. He started with animals, then London buses, and finally buildings. Apparently the drawings showed a great natural skill and excellent perspective – for the first time his natural innate artistry was revealed.
Stephen Wiltshire in Rome
Stephen Wiltshire in Japan – Tokyo
He has been in BBC documentary and exhibited all over the world. He has a awesome memory for imagery and grasp of perspectives. Watch the clips to get a feel for his genius.
Some links:
Stephen Wiltshire Exhibitions 2008
Stephen Wiltshire Gallery
Savant Skills by Wiki
I’ve noted Yuko’s work browsing through illustration books on various occasions. While searching the web tonight her illustrations caught my eye yet again. Based in New York Yuko Shimizu‘s work reminds one of Japanese Woodcuts. The combination of New York influences, the sexual connotations, the attention to detail and the strong Japanese heritage makes her illustrations unique and so fantastic.
For more info on this talented illustrator I advise you to read this interview.
Yuko Shimizu – Tsunami
PLAYBOY July 05 issue story about natural disasters destroying earth
(Society of Illustrators 48 Gold Medal)
Yuko Shimizu
Originally created for alphabet book project later published as a large size poster insertfor Yen Magazine of Australia