Henrik Uldalen
- Henrik Uldalen
- Henrik Uldalen
- Henrik Uldalen
- Henrik Uldalen
- Henrik Uldalen
- Henrik Uldalen
Henrik is a self taught artist from Norway. He is pretty crafty with his oil paints, isn’t he? I discovered Henrik’s art sort of by accident, although I’m sure I would have come across it eventually, as he has a number of exhibitions lined up for next year in the US and in the UK. He was also the cover artist featured on vol. 24 of Hi Fructose magazine. I kind of think that my way of meeting Henrik was more serendipitous. Henrik moved to Barcelona at the beginning of this month, and rented a room in my apartment for a couple of days, while he sought his own studio space. We met up for a beer to chat about art and Barcelona, and I discovered, while I enjoyed the sun and Henrik the shade on the terraza in Plaça del Sol, that he almost didn’t become an artist at all! It was only after he took up oil painting that he was able to capture his imagination and was able to project these in the way that he wanted. His suspended floating figures drift through space and forests and almost astrotravelling through distorted landscapes, resulting in a splendid diorama of dreamyness. Do have a look at all his paintings on his webpage, and become a fan on facebook. Henrik! Let’s do it again!