Rodrigo Luff
It’s been some time since a post here in Signature Illustration, as currently things are afoot in blog land. We’re hoping to make everything more user friendly and more community based. Don’t worry, we have heard all the requests and messages to have a peek at your artworks, and are trying to get everything together so that Signature can showcase more reader work, but since this is what we do for fun, it doesn’t always get as much attention as it should when work and life gets in the way. Sorry about that! Don’t mind us, keep submitting, and have a look through the archives, you can always find new inspiring imagery, even if the work is old. In the mean time, I hope to make some new posts over the new years vacation, and hopefully introduce you some new names.
So to whet your appetite here is some gorgeous glowing work by Rodrigo Luff. Owls, nekkid ladies, trees, starlight, luminescence, this guy is pushing all my buttons! He just closed up a solo show in Thinkspace Gallery, and boy do I wish I could have seen his paintings in the flesh. The colours, and contrasts just drip off the canvas and paper, and the psychedelic owls make me feel like I ate too many mushrooms at night in a forest. The dude currently lives in Sydney and you can pick up prints of his work from his website. I strongly urge that you follow his blog on tumblr, or his instagram, he curates shows, and will be sure to wow your socks off with new artworks, sketches in progress or introduce you to new artists.