Aug 012010

I love the way he exaggerate proportions and emphasise volume and movement. The 1900 to 1950′s figures crowd the frame and overlap each other in angular or swirling composition. He says he is often called on to depict scenes of sexual tension or implied violence. To which he added that it did not matter if the subject is serious or pure kitsch, his work is always about human interaction and isolation. I hope you enjoy his work. :)

  2 Responses to “Great artwork by Owen Smith”

  1. I love the dramatic lighting and pure drama. The artworks tell stories of passion and conflict. Mostly though, I love the strength that Owen conveys in his characters.

  2. There’s a high level of eroticism in his artwork that glorifies the human form. I appreciate that his exaggeration is more of a glorification of the body – especially the naked form. Breathtaking!

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