
Norman Rockwell - Gossip


  4 Responses to “Norman-Rockwell-Gossip”

  1. Is this image copright protected. I want to use it in a teaching presentation.

  2. You can use the image as long as you reference who it is by and not claim it as your own.

  3. When going through some OLD family stuff I happened across what I now know to be an EXCELLENT copy of “The Gossip” It was done by my wife’s great grandmother (long part of the carbon cycle) and was done on a linoleum tile in what looks like very fine coloured inks. It is VERY delicate, and I have done some high resolution scans of it. Do you want a copy? If so – I can send a BIG copy – let me know your limits.
    Peter Cunningham

  4. Would be cool to see a link to the work Peter?

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