
Norman Rockwell - Doctor and the Doll


  3 Responses to “Norman-Rockwell-Doctor-and-the-Doll”

  1. i have an actual norman rockwell-buttercup sighned in what looks like pencil numbered 127\200 i see you have a print everything is correct but the name on yours isnt sighned its printed. i have alot of real paintings that im having trouble finding and a good place to help me all the paintings i have include certificate of authintisity and have been appraised in if you wouldnt mind i kinda need some help thank you

  2. i have an actual norman rockwell-buttercup sighned in what looks like pencil numbered 127\\200 i see you have a print everything is correct but the name on yours isnt sighned its printed. i have alot of real paintings that im having trouble finding and a good place to help me all the paintings i have include certificate of authintisity and have been appraised in if you wouldnt mind i kinda need some help thank you

  3. Not sure how I can help but if you want I could post it on the blog maybe some people will contact you through that?

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