Apr 102009
I thoroughly enjoy the way James Jean takes different organic, physiological, social and emotional elements and with his brilliant imagination mashes them into this wonderful art work. Death defeating life and life defeating death. Social messages illustrated with savvy depth. Ignorant evil. Depicting our struggle through clever metaphors.
You have probably seen some of James Jean’s illustrations if so it’s always worth another look as there are many layers to his art. If you haven’t heard of James Jean you are in for a treat!
- James Jean – Shattered
- James Jean – Succubus
- James Jean – Flip
- James Jean – Wave
- James Jean – Processrecess
- James Jean – Willow
- James Jean – Bottle
- James Jean – Haze
- James Jean – Hive
- James Jean – Excavation
- James Jean – Ballad
- James Jean – Pradawallpaper
- James Jean – Crayoneater
- James Jean – Kindling Installation
- James Jean – Kindling Installation
Hello, Great illustration blog how can add your this blog in my rss reader?
I’m a huge James Jean fan. He’s been an influence on my work for quite some time. My XOXO postcard book actually arrived in the mail today. Pocket-sized inspiration! Great article.
Good to see you on the site N.C Winters! :)
Everyone go check out his blog: http://ncwinters.com/blog/